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Shoutout From The Pit
Shoutout From The Pit

A recovery podcast for you and for us. This introduction is to tell you about who we are and who we are not. We’re you. We’re just people, working people for the most part dealing with our “stuff.” We’re recovering from what we’ve learned are character defects. Defects that shaped who we became. Recovery has lots of labels: substance abuse, alcoholism, anger, anxiety, gambling, pornography, sex (too much or not enough), grief, over-eating, yadayadayada. Some of us are labeled addicts, alcoholics, haters, weepers, etc., because that’s how we’re viewed since that’s what’s visible on the outside. On the inside we’re dealing with things along the lines of the seven deadly sins: envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath. Some of the sub- labels include insecurities, self-esteem, pain, various hurts and habits, and the list goes on. We address various labels but, in most cases, we believe labels are really just masks, or symptoms, to the real problem – Life’s “stuff.” Learning to deal with life, on life’s terms, is what matters. And, whew, that can be tuff!

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